Monthly Archive: July, 2022

imagine waking up one day

when you’re 60, 70, 80 and realizing that you never went swimming on warm summer nights or enjoyed wearing the dress because your thighs jiggled or your scars showed. or you didn’t write… Continue reading

some important truths I wish I had learned sooner –

not everyone will like you, and that’s okay. it’s enough for you to like you. you won’t always like you, and that’s okay, too. you will learn to love the pieces of you… Continue reading

from july 21 –

if I could, I’d bottle up the way you look at me, especially first thing in the morning, and I would open it whenever I felt I needed a kiss, or a boost… Continue reading

love languages

quality time like sitting on the kitchen counter sharing a strawberry malt; the same kind we shared on our second date, driving two hours each, each way. like dancing around the living room,… Continue reading